Interoperability & Integration

Do you remember when Victorian trains could not cross the border and run on a NSW track? Not because they were not both trains, but they could not share the same infrastructure due to design differences.

Interoperability is the way computer systems or software exchange information and make use of it. Occasionally you might buy devices and sensors from different suppliers because you are unable to find a full suite of devices from one supplier that suits your needs. When this occurs, you require systems to pull all the data together, to be interoperable. Interoperability enables you to make use of new data sets, enabling you to draw data from a range of platforms and integrate them into farm management programs.

The two key considerations of interoperability are:

  • Can the device communicate with the networks?
  • Does the data from this device communicate with other?

Data Communication & Sharing

Data is information that is collected from a device or application. This is used to report on the functions of the device/s.

The use of digital technology gives farmers the chance to gather, store and use data in productive ways. It is provided to users in a deciphered format by solution providers via apps and dashboards so that it can be understood and used effectively.

Ownership of data has always been a topic of discussion. While maintaining the ownership and privacy of data is particularly important, it is not always a negative thing to share data in certain and controlled circumstances.

Examples of useful sharing of data could include:

  • with advisors or contractors who work alongside you in your business
  • within your grower groups for better project outcomes
  • with other technology companies as you expand your suite of digital technology, to leverage existing data and learnings

There are standards and guidelines to the sharing and use of data both in Australia and across the world. Understanding the way data is shared and what is involved is important.

Look at the link below and further examples of the data-sharing experiences of others and hear from organisations that control and guide the data process.

Data related organisations and initiatives