Redhill is a 2,400-hectare property located in Barraba, a town 90 kilometres north of Tamworth, New South Wales. Redhill primarily runs 600-700 breading cows.
Water sensors have been installed on 8 tanks and 50 troughs across the property. Installing a device like a water sensor can increase efficiencies and eliminate the need for daily water checks.
The focus for installing these sensors was to efficiently manage the water across the property.
Connectivity Type
In Field Devices: LoRaWAN
Devices and Solutions Apps, Dashboards & Analysis
Water Tanks: Qty = 17 (ICT International) Smart Phone App: Farmdeck
Water Troughs: Qty = 1 (ICT International) Data
Data is owned by Redhill Farm
Provider(s) Pricing Model
Farmdeck Farmdeck pricing model
Cisco – LoRaWAN
Proven Benefits / Value Proposition- Detect a water leak early
- Improve time efficiency
- Minimise unnecessary stock movement
Content Sources and Further Information
Farmdeck Water Level Monitoring
How the Internet of Things saved thousands of litres of water for Red Hill Farm